NIGHT OOOO……………..UT !!!!!
Yes, that’s exactly what students from Grade 1 to 5 had on the 19th of December.

It all began a week ago when the circular went out to parents regarding the night out. Bold agendas were made, secret plans discussed in whispers, games planned, menus laid out,…….the list is endless. The excitement seemed to grip every one right from the students, teachers, helpers to the admin staff.
Mrs. Pooja and Mahendra Sir had their hands full with planning the various activities, Vishalbhai and others were busy arranging tents to be put up on the grounds.
On Friday the 19th, students arrived with luggage of various types, descriptions and styles and sizes. Suitcases, backpacks, strolleys, duffle bags, packed with clothes, pillows, blankets and vanity pouches. Tugging, pulling, pushing, dragging everything up to the classrooms.
At 3.30pm, sharp, the students rushed to the changing rooms to get into casual clothes and came running to the assembly area armed with bats, raquets, etc……to relax !!!
The activities started at 4pm with the “Lemon & Spoon race” for all grades. Mrs. Falguni & Ms. Sonam, our admin staff took active part along with the students and teachers in the race.
The winners got to keep the lemons !!!
After a snack break, all the students were mixed to form groups for the treasure hunt. For the next one hour the students, using clues to identify locations, ran across the school grounds looking for items assigned to their groups. The clues, prepared by Mr. Vardan, had to be deciphered first by the students to identify the location of the items.
Now, it was time for “Tug – of – War”. After a lot of pulling on either side, some wins and some losses, the game ended.

Tiredness and hunger took over and you could have witnessed the fastest line being formed in the dining area. Chole-puri with rice and halwa was downed by the students and others with full gusto. The younger ones were ready to sleep after dinner, ready to snuggle into their soft blankets after a full day of excitement. But, the night was not yet over!
It was 8.30pm and time for the “Camp Fire”. The campfire was lit in the grounds at the back and

every one gathered near it. It was time now for “Word Anthakshari”. The game proceeded briskly, but soon made the students restless. “Star Gazing” too was organized but the clouds played spoilsport hiding the stars from being visible.
Finally it was time to s….l….e….e….p….

Grade 1,2 & 3 slept in their respective classrooms, boys of Grade 4 and all students of Grade 5 slept in tents put up specially in the grounds. Beddings had been arranged and students took great thrill in making their beds.

It was zzzzzzzzz time for those indoors. But for those in tents, the night was still young. After a round of snacking, it was time for some campfire singing and dancing followed by “desi anthakshari”.

At 10.30pm, out of compulsion, the “tenties” had to go to bed. There was laughter, giggling, fighting in the tents, which was punctuated with regular “shoos” from the teachers. Sleep finally took over after a long battle to be awake. A quick peek into the tent revealed that the students had slept wherever there was place. Even if it was uncomfortable, it did not show in their contented faces.
4.30 am dawned with a heavy drizzle, waking some in the tents with a steady sound. These few worked as a wakeup call for the rest and soon all were awake in the tents. The excitement of a new day and the promised morning walk made them make their way to the classrooms to freshen up and change clothes. Their gregarious voices and actions were enough to wake everyone else and soon the entire school was up and ready.

By 6.30 am everyone had assembled at the main gate for a 4 km walk to Kunkni village and back. It was still pitch dark and a few had flashlights to guide the others. The beauty of the day breaking, the sounds of birds and insects and the greenery of the fields unfolding before us was worth all the effort. The walk was

invigorating but the return was tiring and the students took off directly to the dining area. After a refreshing drink of cold milk and fruits, it was packing time.
Students scrambled upstairs to pack their bags to board the buses which would take them home. Happy faces once again trudged oversized luggage to the buses, waving goodbyes.
At the end the students were all boarded in to the buses and the teachers and organizers heaved a sigh of relief.
It was indeed a very long day …..and night for everyone !!!!
As experienced by Gowri Murali – Grade 5 Class Teacher.